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    Despre Noi

    David’s Capital este companie de construcții, care proiectează și construiește orice tip de construcții, inclusiv blocuri locative.

    Avem o experiență în domeniul construcțiilor mai bine de 20 de ani, iar pe tot parcursul activității, am reușit să ridicăm peste 20 de complexe locative, am fost implicați în diferite inițiative cu destinație socială, am construit mai multe școli, grădinițe , și am contribuit la restaurarea câtorva parcuri.

    Toate casele noastre au fost proiectate cu o stabilitate seismică până la 9 grade. Blocurile locative a Companiei David’s Capital au ca structură carcasă de beton şi pereţi din cărămidă, fiind izolate cu vată minerală, ce garantează o izolare fonică și termică. Proiectul fiecărui apartament este bine structurat. În construcția lor sunt utilizate doar materiale calitative şi sigure. Complexele locative sunt îngrădite, oferind un grad sporit de confort și securitate, teritoriile adiacente sunt înverzite, sunt amenajate cu terenuri de joacă şi spații de agrement. La momentul dării în exploatare, în apartamente sunt instalate geamuri termopan cu 5-6 camere LowE, uşi blindate, contoare de apa şi gaz, apeduct şi sistem de gazificare, cablaj pentru televiziune şi internet prin fibra optică, sistem de încălzire autonom.


    Pe lângă pasiunea de a construi, suntem pasionați și de sport, indiferent că este de performanță sau amator.

    Cu această ocazie, am decis să contribuim la îmbunătățirea vieții oamenilor din comunitatea sportivă din Repubulica Moldova.

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    You Have a Reason

    Just Choose Us!

    We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

    Let Me Introduce

    Our Company

    We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

    World's Leading Building Corporation

    47years of experience

    Responsible Behaviour

    We take our duty to act responsibly at all times very seriously through proactively managing the impacts of our activities on the environment, our people and the communities in which we operate. We work according to the guiding principles of our founding shareholders and by complying with the high standards set out in our Global Code of Conduct. In particular, we place the safety of those involved in or affected by our operations as our core organisational value, aiming to eliminate all accidents on our projects by 2020. We also take a leading role in driving change across our industry by seeking ways to reduce the effect of our operations on the environment through modernisation of traditional construction methods and practices.

    People Development

    At the heart of our drive to challenge and change the construction industry are our people. We believe in employing and developing the very best talent in the industry, challenging them to find and follow a better way and deliver excellence for our clients whilst leaving a lasting legacy for the communities in which we operate. Every industry needs to nurture talent from an early age and at Laing O’Rourke we support a number of educational initiatives to help promote, engage and educate young people about the rewarding careers to be found within construction and engineering.

    • Alan Michaelis

      Chief Executive

    • James Hind

      Finance Director

    • Venu Raju

      Engineering Director

    • Paul Withers

      Senior Independent Director

    • Chris Girling

      Independent Director

    • Nancy Moore

      Independent Director

    • Kerry Porritt

      Company Secretary

    • Mark Hill

      Non-executive Chairman